Hill Surgery Action Group

The Hill Surgery Action Group (HSAG) was established in January 2024 by patients and caregivers of Beaconsfield Road and Harold Road surgeries to advocate for better healthcare services in the local area. The group believes healthcare quality has declined significantly since merging the two surgeries (with 5 sites) into The Hill Surgery, possibly risking patients’ lives.

The CQC ratings for Harold Road at the last audit were rated as Inadequate/Special Measures, albeit Hill Surgery now rates itself as Good, which was Beaconsfield Road’s last CQC rating before the merger.

What we do

Regular Meetings

Seek Improvements

Monitor Quality

Run Independently


Read the meeting minutes here


Find out more about the Patient Participation Group

HSAG feedback survey

Your feedback helps us improve. Take our quick survey below.

Results to 17/12/24
56 individual participants
This survey will run until the end of January 2025

Take part

Become a member

Membership is free, and we welcome your participation in our community. For more detailed information, please see the application process further below.

To do so, you have several options:

Latest News

Seeing your own GP is good for you and good for the practice

This article by the Guardian newspaper is very interesting....

Information on the Call Centre

For those who do not know, when patients phone the Hill Surgery number they do not call a local receptionist, they get put through to a call-center in Manchester. Why Manchester? It may be of interest to many to know that CallCare is not specifically a health related company. It provides call reception, switchboard and triage services to many industries, such as professional services to business, healthcare, facilities management, and ecommerce. Avenues of communication are primarily telephone, but can also include email and text if required by the client. Call Care charge the NHS for this service, which could be provided more efficiently as our local reception service, employing local people with local knowledge.

Committee member needed

Following the resignation of both Victoria Peckham and Anita Waters from our committee, we are looking for new committee members for the positions of treasurer and a representative for Fairlight Road site patients, and to join our regular board meetings. These enthusiastic volunteers need to be HSAG members, be enthusiastic about our aims and be willing to give up their time voluntarily. Please mailto:chair@hsag.org.uk.uk if interested.


This meeting was the catalyst for a knee-jerk and unprofessional mass emailing of the PPG members accusing the PPG of bullying it's chairperson, David Standen.
As a member of the PPG committee, along with Maxine Green your vice-chair, I totally refute these unfounded and malicious accusations, and demand that the PPG be allowed to continue, free from practice 'tinkering'.